Saturday, April 28, 2007

Lunch at karthik's

A very tiring day it had been tdy. I had invited mah darlings over for lunch in karthik's
hse. Left hm to meet karthik at 8+. We were playin hide and seek to
not get caught by mum.We went to eat in subway.IT was so yummilicious. Turkey melt on
Parmesan bread, wif spicy country sauce. Heaven....Kavi i know u wld feel like knockin me
now lol... ITs was heavenly kavi. We had bought foot long loaf, in the end we couldnt
finish the food. After eating we went to buy the necessary stuffs in JP NTUC. Since there
wasnt muc stuufs in karthik's hse, we had to buy a little extra
1. Two whole chicken
2. Tomatoes
3. Green & Red chillies
4. Caixin
5. Tuna cans
6. Cocktail
7. Guiness (dunt ask me why we bought tiz, karthik's request)
8. Berry essence (ME)
9. Chicken essence (Karthik)
10. Bitter gourd
11. Ladies finger

All these added up to a nice fat hole in the pocket. 51 bucks was burnt on it. After
purchasing we took the train and head off to his hse. By the time we reach AMK it was
alreadi reaching 11. So to save time, and since there was so much of stuffs to carry. We
decided to take taxi and manage to rch our destination in a few mins. Since we still needed
to grab a few things, we went to the nearest shop across his blk to buy:
1. Honey
2. chilli paste
3. Tomato puree
4. kesari mix (wanted gulam jamun but wasnt there)

Finally we reached his house. By then i was like reali tired out alreadi. We listened to
some songs and chilled for awhile before starting our cookin at 12. IT was fun cookin
toghether. We made
1. Chicken sambal wif egg
2. raasam
3. ladies finger masala
4. deep fried bitter gourd masala
5. kesari
6. Veg
By the time we manage to finish them all, it was nearly 3. Quickly bath and went down to
fetch shane, nidz and kavi.
P.S. Sha was away getting her marriage date fixed, and we all didnt know it till the
eleventh hour. Thiru was on his way, Syed totally no news...

THe three-os had lost their way it seem, by the time they found us, shane was tired out from
hunger and exhaustion. Called Thiru to ask where he was, and it seem that he was on his
way alreadi, so i tol the rest tt we had to wait for Thiru. Shane upon hearin tt he jus sat
down on the pavement hehehehehe.... We went to the NTUC to buy booze, then look at the
pet shops ard the area. The parrot tt both karthik and i were eyeing wasnt there anymore.
ME so sad sad *sobs There were two other birds of the same kind, but it was nt like the wan
that we had eyed. Haiiiii wat can we do, the bird was like so exp 2000+ Unless i rob the
Crazy shane as usual didnt sum crazy stuff, he bought a stinky ugly mouse. Costing near 20+
was commenting abt his balls all the time lol, small head was wat he named the mouse. It was
practically shitting all over the container it was in.. ewwwww.... sheshhhh...
When we were goin back, Karthik called thiru, and it seemed tt thiru had passed the bus stop
and was lost. He gave me the keys and asked me to go up first, while he go and fetch Thiru
Brought the others up, managed to open the gate but not the door, we are struggling to open
it, but somehow, shane opened it. Clever shane! hehehe
But then a BIG SHOCK was awaiting for us there. SOmeone was sitting on the sofa went we
went in. I was scared shit, almost tod it was his dad, wich is stupid, but at tt point time,
wat am i to think, tts the first thing that cm into mah mind. I quickly rushed to the
kitchen and was tryin to catch mah breath. Tryin to register in wat was happening, i
quickly called karthik and tol him tt sumone was hm. Tol me to relax wld be there soon.
Then shane was sayin malar relax i tik its the tenant chill out. I was jus prayin it was
the tenant and not anyone else, freak out for a moment man. Then in a few Karthik cm,
tol us it was the tenant. Phew!!!!!!

The last item was fryin of chicken. As karthik and i was takin turn fryin the chicken, all
of us chit chat, joking and laughing. By the time the chicken was all fried, everyone was
too hungry to speak another word. I served all of the food. Poor shane had been so hungry
he practically didnt eat till he finished his food. We watched Pokirri as we ate our food.
Everyone was happy wif the food, most of them took second round, both karthik and i were
very happy that all of them enjoyed the food. After the hearty meal we watched the
remaining of pokirri movie in Karthik's room coz the sound effect there was much cool.
Then Nidz had to leave alreadi, but poor shane wanted to watch the movie, and everytime its
after this song ni-ta or after this scene ni-ta was hilarious. Finally ni-ta manage to drag
away shane from the comp, before we left we took pics. Crazy wans, funny wans, candid wans.
By the time we manage to get the whole gang's pic 15 mins was wasted on it. The timer cnt
seem to be workin well, the timer goes off within 5 secs, n poor karthik had to run over.
Still his arse gets in the way HEHE.. sorry darlings....

So that was it, the day was over, i was abit late, so took a taxi home, both karthik and 1
were tired out to the max....... When i reach home another shock was awaiting for me, my dear shane had lost his "small head" and was askin me for help lol. Tol him to ask evo to find for him. Coz god's have super sensitive nose, and they wld b able to find it in a jiff. True enough clever evo found it, but he nearly bite on it lol!!!!!

Till the next gang out adios

1. Thanks Nidz for ur lovely fruitty tutty agar agar
2. Thanks Thiru for the palgova
3. As for sha n syed u guys beta compensate k :P
4. Pics wld be out asap, wld notify k
5. Lastly i miss u Mic!!!!! WIshed u was here toooo *hugs

the world will turn WILD.
1:48 AM

Friday, April 27, 2007

Flyin off


Tdy Karthik's parents are flyin to India. So he took half day leave and came to sch. After
seeing him i didnt feel like goin back to mah lab. Hence, i self-proclaimed a very long
break for myself hehe... From 11.30am till 5pm i was MIA. Wanted to take my bag along with
me as well, but sheila decided against it. Said if i dun cm back n sign out, it wld b
considered as absent for tt day. So leavin my bad n karthik's in the lab, we quickly left
the school. We bought some food as karthik didnt see, then head down to sembawang. Man was
it awesome there, it was raining like no one's business, cold and chilly. Whatelse can u ask
for hehe.... We spent sumtime there enjoyin the peace. Then before i know it, i had to head
back to mah lab. It was raining ecen more heavily then, both of us got drenched by the time
we reach mah school. Karthik wanted for me till i signout at 5.30.

After school we quickly left for the airport, Karthik cldnt wait for them to take their
leave. No more nagging, no more disagreements it will b, at least till sumtime. I followed
him to the airport. I actually didnt wana go, coz i didnt wana see their parents, but he
kajol me. So no choice i followed him. The flight was said to be at ard 8. We rch there
ard 7+. Then karthik made me sit in a corner and he went to look for his parents. As muc
as muc as i wld hv wanted to send them off, i dunt wan them to leave wif a sulken face
after seein me there. That was one of the reasons why i didnt wan to be seen by them.
Guess wat wen we went there, the flight was rescheduled to a later timing 9 i tik.
I was sitting there, tryin not to be seen by his parents. Still i had a feelin tt his mum
had seen me, Coz i caught her lookin mah way a few times. The surrounding i was sitting in
was also freakin me out. Alot of them were lookin one kind, all thru the time i was prayin
and hoping tt karthik wld cm fast. Finally after wat seem like hrs he cm running twds me.
He had send them off alreadi, and i was freakin late, 8.30pm and i was still in the airport!!!
we didnt had any choice but had to take a taxi. Stupid fellow charged me 25 bucks for it.
God! and he said, if u had come a few mins earlier extra charge of 2 bucks to top the
alreadi overcharge 5 bucks. So unfair!!!!

the world will turn WILD.
11:12 PM

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Visual DNA

Read my VisualDNA Get your own VisualDNA™

the world will turn WILD.
4:59 PM

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Give it to me

Featuring  Nelly Furtado & Justin Timberlake
- Give it 2 Me -
is it going is it going is it going is it going?
I don't know what you're looking for

I'm the type of girl that'll look you dead in the eye (eye)
I'm real as they come if you don't know why im fly-y-y-y-y
seen ya try to switch it up but girl you ain't got to
I'm the wonderwoman let me go get my ropes
I'm a supermodel and mummy, si mummy
amnesty international got bankrupt (im on top, on lock)
you love my ass and my abs and the video called promiscuous
my style is miticulous-s-s-s-s

if you see us in the club we'll be acting real nice
if you see us on the floor you'll be watchin all night
we ain't here to hurt nobody
so give it to me give it to me give it to me
wanna see you work your body
so give it to me give it to me give it to me

when timbo is in the party everbody put up their hands
I get a half a mill for my beats you get a couple grand-d-d-d-d
never gonna see the day that I ain't got the upper hand
I'm respected from californ.i.a. way down to japan
I'm a real producer and you just the piano man
your song gonna top the charts, I heard em, I'm not a fan-n-n-n-n
(like said know what they say here)....
talkin greasy im the one that gave them they chance
somebody need to tell em they can't do it like I can

if you see us in the club we'll be acting real nice
if you see us on the floor you'll be watchin all night
we ain't here to hurt nobody
so give it to me give it to me give it to me

wanna see you work your body
so give it to me give it to me give it to me

Could you speak up and stop the mumbling
I don't think you're getting clear.
Sitting on the top it's hard to hear you from way up here.
I saw you tryin to act cute on tv just let me clear the air.
We missed you on the charts last week
Damn that's right, you wasn't there.
If sexy never left, then why's everybody on my shi it it?
Don't hate on me just because you didn't come up with it.
So if you see us in the club go on and walk the other way
Cuz our run will never be over; not at least until we say

if you see us in the club we'll be acting real nice
if you see us on the floor you'll be watchin all night
we ain't here to hurt nobody
so give it to me give it to me give it to me
wanna see you work your body
so give it to me give it to me give it to me

if you see us in the club we'll be acting real nice
if you see us on the floor you'll be watchin all night
we ain't here to hurt nobody
so give it to me give it to me give it to me
wanna see you work your body
so give it to me give it to me give it to me

if you see us in the club we'll be acting real nice
if you see us on the floor you'll be watchin all night
we ain't here to hurt nobody
so give it to me give it to me give it to me
wanna see you work your body
so give it to me give it to me give it to me

The hottest songs from Timbaland Featuring Nelly Furtado & Justin Timberlake

the world will turn WILD.
10:55 AM

Saturday, April 21, 2007

2nd anni

Today's mah 2nd mth anniversary. Seems foreva but its jus been 2 mths since i got attached wif karthik!!! The loving kindled soul of mah life...
We went to Mariamman temple, in yishun. Put vilaku for Durgai, was kinda fun cutting the lemon and skinning out the inside wit our bare fingers lol. We didnt bring along our scissors as a result our fingers were the onli tool. All the while i was disturbing karthik and splashing the lemon juice on him hehe
After we did our prayers we went to tekka. We plan to buy our food in tekka and then go to sembawang to celebrate our anni. HE had bought a very nice cake along as well. Was so cute and beautiful. Too bad i cldnt take a pic. It had melted before we reach sembawang. Darn it! We bought two dum briyani since karthik was having a craving for it. Went to chella's to buy paani puri, an interesting snack made wif miniature puri, tangy sauce, mashed potato wif green beans and vermin... Some thing which ive never tried before. An coincidentally, the person who was makin the paani puri for us was a werkin colleague of his previously in thosa corner. The two of them we were happy to have met after a long time. We went up and met another fren of his as well. Wat a rejoice :)

the world will turn WILD.
11:02 PM

Friday, April 20, 2007

haiz haiz extra...

Hmmm... well after the unforseen incidents lol, i manage to meet up with Nat. She looked so different with her reali short hair, and i mean reali short. I prefer her with the previous hair, thou it was short, the style still suited her nicely.
We went to causeway point, for our as usual ban mian. Then as we were goin down the escalator in woodlands MRT, Nat said , "Malar, dunt get offended but have u like put on weight"... rrrrrr... well i have to admit i have put on sum weight. All thanks to mah dearest darlings, reali feedin me everytime. Makin sure that im well fed, and the amount that ive put on is the prove to it... rrrr.... lol!
Since mah feet was killing me, i dragged the hungry Nat to Bata first lol. She was moaning and groaning that she was hungry and that was killing her. I managed to buy a pair of sandals for $25. Its actually sum sandal i would never have bought, but since i didnt had that much cash along wit me. I didnt not have any choice. When i wore it, man it was heaven. I felt so much beta hehe

Then we went up and bought our ban mian. Then went to our usual spot and ate. There was actually lots to talk, but so lil' time. Crapping all the way till karthik. He ate half of my ban mian that i was saving for him. It was time for me to leave also, if not mummy will kill me wif her lectures. So i bid Nat goodbye... As we were going up the escalator then onli Karthik saw mah sandals, and that clown was practically laughin his ass off wen he saw mah sandals lol! IT lookws so not Malar, and also the sandals had sum cute designs and it made it look even more childish. Nevermind, i'll get u for this :P hehe
When i went home and login, i got a nice chide awaiting for me by Nat, she was scolding me that this was the first and last time she was goin to go out with me. Coz apparently to her she had felt like a. let me quote, "I felt like a spare tyer". To me i tod i had manage to include her in every conversations. It seems that i had been walkin beside Karthik and had let her walk alone... hmm hmm hmm... She was walkin fast, so i was able to catch up wif her. Then ya manage to talk things out. Im the end she was laughin at me.... sheshhhh....

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

the world will turn WILD.
11:52 PM

what no friends???

Yesterday was my 6th tuition lesson. All went fine, the boy seem to have improved alot as compared to the first time i came. He was able to answer to the questions without me prompting anything. Me very happy for him. Still that happiness didnt seem to last for long. We came to a section where it was talkin about friends. HE was supposed to talk about a friend. He just stopped there and told me, "Kalai Kumar got no best friend, no friends at all......" I was so shocked, was just lookin at him. At this age its the time for you to play around with friends. There would be mischief written all over the faces of kids his age. However he was jus the opposite. Im not saying his totally well-behaved but still his not so carefree like the others. Then i asked him. "How come? Kalai Kumar dunt like to talk to anyone is it?". For that he just shook his head and replied, "No they all dunt friend me, i duno why....". How sad could a life for a primary one kid get. I remember wen i was his age, i had alot of friends. Everywhere i went there would be one fren at least beside me. Haiz i hope things get better as days go by.

the world will turn WILD.
4:35 PM

The return of the hub

The return of the hub....!!!! Whoa like finally i got mah hub. However that also means i cant be 'vetti'. I have to produce sumthing. Aiyo! I miss mah academic life like reali bad. Eventhou project is rather slackly, own target own goal. Im nt even liking this! Its god darn boring, staring at the comp fr like wat 9 till 6. Bleahhh.... most boring period in poly life sia.... Sumone help me get rid of this misery!!!!!

the world will turn WILD.
4:25 PM

Sway day

Everything seem to be going wrong today... KADAVULEI!!!!
  1. I slept in the toilet. Was showering wen my eyes just doze off. I almost lost control and miss the heater dropping on mah own head.
  2. The shoes that i was wearing, the rubber stopper had came out, so if i were to wear that and walk, the whole campus wld figure its me coming by. As a result of the above i had to wear the covered shoe karthik gave me. When i tried it on my my my... the shoe was v fitting indeed. Since i had no choice and that i tod it wouldnt be so bad, i jus wore it. However the journey to school was jus horrible. The shoe was jus cutting into the back of mah feet. To add on to it, my anklet was in the way between the shoe and my feet. It jus made matters worse, the whole feet was so soreee
  3. I couldn't book the days i wanted (2nd, 3rd) for my Birthday chalet. I had to settle for 23rd n 24th thou
  4. My left lens tore, meaning im now typing all of these with a single lens on mah right eye. How smart! rrrrrr.... Irritation is heading mah way...
  5. My tank was full but i couldn't leave the bloody lab. Coz no one was in the lab, not even the two sour plum DTs. So i was stuck all alone. I had no choice but to ask for Sheila's help to come over to my lab so that i could quickly but painfully limp to the toilet.
  6. i wonder what's next...... 'myspace

the world will turn WILD.
1:45 PM

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

pressurized kid

Sumthing which happend last night brought me to the light. I was teaching my tuition
kid, a primary one kid, Kalai Kumar. I gave him a worksheet and made him to it all by himself. Even thou he kept asking me questions on the words he could not make out i still didnt answer him. Instead i jus keep tellin him to do it himself. He managed to struggle
through and answer the questions. After which i marked what he did, not too bad he had gotten
4 questions right out of 6. Which i do think is good effort made, considering his abit
weak in English. Then i asked him to turn to the next page. However, the boy suddenly blanked
out. He didn't wana change the page instead he was just staring at page and mumbling kept
to himself. I prompted him to repeat himself coz i didnt hear him right. Suddenly his eyes turned red, lips were pouting out and tears started rolling down his cheeks. He was saying.
"Kalai Kumar duno anything! Kalai Kumar dunno anything! Kalai Kumar duno anything!"
I was so shocked that suddenly without warning his breaking down, coz it has neva hit to me that he was disturbed in his mind. After soothing him, i found out that his frens had teased him in school. His command in English is rather weak, hence his nt able to read properly. As a result of that even if he knows how to do certain stuffs, he is not able to understand what the question is actually asking him and how he is supposed to write out the answers. Hence during his previous class test he did not do well. His teacher who were hoping that he would at least pass his maths, was disappointed. His pretty good in maths as compared to English.

What drove me up to the wall was his frens, they made fun of him coz he was the last ranking in his class. Demoralized him by sayin that next year he would confirm be assigned to 2L. Which in his school is the last class of pri 2, for poor and very slow students. This incident happened like last month, but the poor kid had suppressed it in his hart all these while. No one else knows
that such a thing happened apart from me. That every moment when he broke down really
disturbed me. I felt like as if my own child was in this situation. At such a tender age
his actually going through alot of mental stress. Its not easy to boost up someone's esteem
when all those around them are looking down and always saying negative thoughts.

I have vow to myself to help him make through the upcoming exams. Thou its like in less then a month from now i hope i can help him to prove and show to the kids who made fun of him, tt he too can make it. His also smart and can is capable of achieving better grades then the other kids out there who had nothing else to do but tease him.

Kalai Kumar darlings, hold on boy, u can do it :)

the world will turn WILD.
11:40 AM



Yet again, nothing seem to bulge young NYPians. Just as i alighted the train i heard the
MRT stations announcement going something like this, "The station is crowded, if you
are not taking the train, Please leave the station". To my dismay all of them were just
standing there like a mule, till one of the staff had to go ard and tell them to leave
the station if they were not boardin the train. Haiz things will never change would it!

the world will turn WILD.
9:43 AM

Shoutout to freshies

Goodness by the time i get pass the YCK MRT station and reach mah lab its such a hassle!!!
The whole YCK MRT station is found to be swarmed with freshiesss!!!! All of them looking rather out of place, the word blur written all over their forehead. Wat irritated me was that they were all waiting for their friends in groups and blocking the entrance/exit of the station! Making it almost impossible for commuters to get pass it witout gettin squashed.


Cant they all just meet up in school?! Ther whole lot of them cram themselves in the station
making it inconvenient for the other commuters. Given the time, its also a peak hour for
most commuters to be rushing off to work or school. This makes them even more irritated when
they cant even get past the entrance/exit to board their trains without getting pushed at.
My fellow NYPians pls try to be more considerate, freshies especially, do not hog the
MRT stations to yourselves.


the world will turn WILD.
12:34 AM

Monday, April 16, 2007


Finally blogging after a long time. Too bored with FYP i guess. Well to fill in on mah day today, there's nothing too
exciting to talk abt. Academic semester has started already. Students everywhere, the peace has been disrupted. Juz as i was
abt to look for my supervisor, Mr Ng, one student came up to me and asked me for direction for Blk P, T28. The poor gal was
breathing rather heavily, with panic in her voice, That girl had probably been combing the whole campus but still couldn't
find a way to where she was supposed to be. I gave her a few simple instructions, i hope she managed to find her way there.


This reminds me back on my freshmen years, where everything in NYP was alien to me. As much as im fine with new changes and
environment, for the 1st few weeks i would be as quiet as a mouse. Coz making friends is sumthing tt doesn't cm to me too
naturally. However once im cool and comfy with that person, hell i can talk n joke alot with them. Luckily i managed to
make frens wit a few there, i can still rem the 1st person whom eva talked to me was Meiling. Being one of the early birds,
i was already seated in the auditorium, but wit none of my supposed to be classmate ard. Then this one girl cm twds me
n asked me if this row was for 0411. I shook my head and told her yes, tts wen we both smiled and conversation carried on. We stuck ard each other for sum time.
After which i got to know Natalia and Huda. A little abt both of them:
Nat is the crazier and stubborn headed wan. Gettin along wif her was nt so easy in the beginning, but as time
went by she was one of those closest to me during my poly days.
Huda well what can i say abt this girl here, she is one of those who wld get panicky easily, smart gal but at times doesn't think straight and often gets herself in sticky situation. After that i got to know Farid and Faisal
Farid was the wan whom i was closest with during my 1st yr in poly life, however after he started failing his modules and was in diff class, we were nt so close anymore. A great dude but wen it cms to girls matter, cnt be trusted wit (at least to a certain extend).
Faisal, a very quiet chap, whom all of us tod he was a chinese lol. His the kind who wld mind his own business. He didn't open to me that much. It was only during the final sem of 2nd yr n esp 3rd yr tt he did talk to me properly. He would ask me advices on certain girl issues. Mainly his very comfortable talking to me.
Oooppss i guess im backtracking too much. Need to get on wit mah work....


the world will turn WILD.
1:38 PM



Name: Malar
Age: 23
Horoscope: Gemini
Zodiac: Ox
Occupation: Programmes Officer



No One


Register for Degree (Still pending haiz)
Book for car theory (I'm still dreading it)


Watch Lea Salonga Cinderella ella ella
Chanel perfume
C&K bag and matching shoes!
Wishes Bank acc neva depletes
Get a degree by 26
Get married by 28


free counter


Baby Mic
Wise Owl Kavi
Mummy Ducky Nidz
. Mummy'z Gal Maha



.April 2007.
.May 2007.
.June 2007.
.July 2007.
.June 2008.
.November 2008.
.December 2008.
.January 2009.
.February 2009.
.August 2009.


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