Thursday, May 31, 2007

Vesak Day

No werk tdy yippie!!!!
Went to the Buddist temple in Bt Batok. Saw Rekha there if im nt wrg. If tts her then whoa, she sure does look very different now. Could not recognise her properly also. Straighten black hair, thick black specs hmm hmm hmm. Lookin very decent now.
Did wateva had to be done, prayed 4 evr1's well-being. We had lunch in the temple itself. After that went to CK to buy sum stuffs, i was so pissed wif mum coz i didnt feel well and she was forcin me to go to CK grrrrr........
Goin back home, Mala lost her pouch. I called her hp thinkin it must be sumwhere hidden in the plastic bags tt we were carryin. But no phone was ringing, Mala luckily ran back to the shop she last went. She had left her pouch in the clothes shop while tryin out for a skirt. Silly billy girl!

the world will turn WILD.
9:21 PM

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

3rd day

This is hell! I hate to be sick rrrrrrrr..... Runnin a fever, flu n cough. Yest alreadi Jim asked me if i had seen an elephant. Paavi ridiculing me wen im sick! Irukathum
Went to office i managed to crack the code for the download website for my company. Now i can download the pictures in my computer. No need to depend on the cartoon fellow in the office. Whole always pluggin onto his headphone and hapily watchin pirates of the caribbean, jap anime, and all kinds of movies. During this time, no matter how many times u call him, it wld all fall on deaf ears.
Lunch was horrible tdy, i cld barely eat it. In the mornin alreadi wen i looked at the food mum packed for me for lunch, i got scared. It looked very chili red, but mum said it wont be tt spicy. I jus stared at her blankly. During lunch wen i started eating it, it almost burned my throat. I was so pissed off wif my food, i had no appetite to eat nor talk to anyone. For the first time, no one was talkin also. We went back to office like super early, we had 20 mins to spare.
Yenting came and tol me to go to the store and look for peter tan. He wld teach me how to do the installation kids. Said it was a very easy job and can be done in a jift.
I went there and to my horror i had to prepare over 160 installation kits!!!! I was alreadi very pissed off wif my lunch, sick summore. My back hurt so bad i felt like cryin wen i did the installation kit
Went back to office, i refuse to do anything more, i was playin game and listenin to the radio.

the world will turn WILD.
11:15 PM

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

2nd day

Woke up to a sore throat and a running nose. Man im sick again!!!!!
I managed to get off at the right bus stop this time. Was given the same job to do. Download the 25 pics. Then i had nothing else to do. Shaking legs all the while.
For lunch i brought food this time, i dunt tik i cn take the canteen food. Jim looked at my food and thought i was eating chili rice lol. It was actually rice with ikan billis sambal.
Work carried on as usual. Eventhou its kinda boring, i tik i prefer it here, ive got nice buddies. My own desk, computer, phone etc.

the world will turn WILD.
10:02 PM

Monday, May 28, 2007

1st day at fullmark

First day of attachment, got off at the wrong stop. Walked abt 4 bus stops all the way to the company. Went to the company i saw 2 other NYPians (Jim n Mhd) waiting in the room tt i was directed to. One of whom i recognised, we have bumped into eachother when we were doing FYP.

Went and talked to Mhd, since Jim looked matured, i almost tod he was the one whose gona brief us lol. We got to know eachother then another girl, Anisah joined us. She looked very chinese actually. The get to know carried on till one of the company staff, Diana came over to brief us.

Tol us abt our pay, what we would be handling, Jim & Mhd (sales), hanisah (HR) n me (marketing), abt the bus services, etc. Then she ushered us to our table. Good thing eventhou we are in charge of different department, we got a temp seating side by side.

We had to wait for a long time before we were assigned to do anything. Jim got his first assignment, to cut name cards. After which he was given a stack of papers and he had to divide them into sets of 500 each. Pathetic!!!!!! Mhd was given sum research stuffs to do. I was given a whole lot to do. Webpage to create, e- catalog, 25 pics to download every single day. Hainisa was asked to tear out pay slips after which sum research was given to her to do.

Lunch time, no one came and tol us we cld go, so we jus went out, went to the rundown coffeeshop to see the other staffs all over there buyin food. Food didnt look none too promising. It would be less then a day before we give the coffeeshop a pass...

the world will turn WILD.
1:28 PM

1st day

Im given the department of marketing to handle!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the world will turn WILD.
10:32 AM

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Stressin to finish mah AES, final report and weekly reports. There's like a hell lot to do!!!!!!!
Later in the afternoon, we were all asked to go for our IAP briefin, i was getting very edgy to which company i would be posted to. Since my name starts with "Y", i had to wait for a long time before i could hear my name being read out.
I was posted to some company called, Fullmark Pte Ltd. Somewhere in jurong, Soon Lee Road, luckily its near my area. When i checked on the computer it state that the company deals with imaging and printer manufacturing. Which im wondering, 'What the hell am i gona do there!'

the world will turn WILD.
4:32 PM

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I could not go to sleep as the day's presentation was running in my mind, I still had a few things to do. So sleep wasn't coming to me. Finally after sum time i managed to drift off to sleep and woke up just as the clock was ticking to 7am. Luckily ironed mah formal(semi-formal) wear and got dressed. Left my house at 7.30
All throughout the journey i was running through the presentation in my mind. Pretty jumpy at the thought of presentation. As i was walking towards school, saw Sheila, she had been walking behind me all these while, i guess we also took the same train.
We reached school with a few minutes to spare before the presentation started at 9.15am. Quickly ran through the small notes i had scribbled across. Then the DT told us its time for presentation. All of us anxiously went to the presentation room, first we had to upload our projects in the computer.
Foo came into the presentation room, he seemed to be in a pretty good spirit. Nai was forever smiling one kind. Sometimes i feel like tearing that grin off his face hmpf! All of us were waiting for the rest of the students as well as Bob to come. Meanwhile Foo was briefing us on the way to present. "Speak confidently, smile and make sure you have connection with the audience. Do not lose their concentration" etc
9.30am, Bob was still not there, presentation was commenced, first up was china boy. All of us could hardly make out what he was saying actually, and Foo looked like as if he was going to burst out laughing anytime soon lol! China boy was doing on snort, and there was indeed alot of stuffs there to present. Half way thru Foo seemed to be losing interest, he was fiddling wif his HP. Mr Nai also left the presentation room saying that he needed to go for his lessons.
Up next was dear Sheila, i was actually very worried for her, coz she practically had nothing to present. Her supervisor was a total jerk on this, he was supposed to help her with her project, but he didn't seem to be doing anything on that. He barely looks for her. Basically her whole project is screwed up. Nothing to present, all she managed to do was install red hat. Hence wen she was presenting, she faced alot of problem. Foo had also accessed her the previous time, and he more or less knew her project and what she had presented the previous time. He chided her, saying how is that so that she only managed to install red hat and do nothing else for her project the whole time. Was saying she should have tried ways and means to try to contact her lecturer. Even if it means sitting outside the lecturer's office till 8pm. Foo Also made her skip the first 25 slides of the presentation, all of which was on installing red hat. She got so pissed
Russell was up next, that arrogant guy whom had been impatiently sighing when the others presented was more then happy that it was his turn now. He took abt 45mins for the whole presentation. Lots of questions were being opposed to him. Mr.Know it all got pissed off in the end LOL! serve u right u piggggggyyyyy head!wakekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke
Ok coming to the serious part, the next up was me. I went there nervously, finally all was hitting on me. I presented my best with me smiling as usual when i present. Whoa i managed to make Foo smile ALONG with me also, he was reali listening attentively to me. Most of the time he wld be fiddling along with the hp, but when i was presenting he did, tt was a good sign for me lol. All went fine, he asked me a few question i was able to explain wat i know. I almost ended my presentation when Simon came and ruined everything. He interrupted and asked me a few questions, i was caught off guard. Simone got his pleasure, i was corned argghhhhh!!!!!!
Iskandar was next, tt bugger didnt do anything for his project actually. Even those he did, his other partner was the wan who did it, so btw him n his partner, there was no differentiation.
Melvin presented very well, but going towards the end of the presentation he got a shot in the bull's eye, he actually did not do anything. He was doin a continual project from the previous batch. And he didnt do muc onli changed the IP and ya tts abt it. Goodness me! lol!
Sebestian's project was on elearning, his presentation slides looked very cool.
Finally a chinese lookin guy went to present, his was a wk 6 presentation, coz he was doin concurrent modules. When he read out his name all of us went huh within ourself. His name was Mohamed Faisal!!!! And he looked like a freakin chinese lol! That poor guy onli managed to get his project the day before the presentation, but the fact that he was able to come up with sumthing for presentation was at least sumthing.

After all of us presented, there was a 1 hour break before the lects wld cm again to check on our project demo. We went back to our respective labs to get ready our stuffs, some went for lunch. I went back and got ready whatever i had to show them, Foo came into my lab and was talkin to the DT. Happen that i popped a chocolate in mah mouth, Foo saw that.
Foo: YO...?
Malar: *turns ard to see who Foo is callin
Foo: *looks at Malar, No eating or drinking in the lab.
Malar: Errmmmm but its sweet
Foo: You go out of the lab, eat ur sweet then come back in, or if u wan buy me another wan
Malar: okok *giggles

At 1.20 they came back to check on our project demo. I showed him wateva i had, they looked at my configuration all all. Doin ipconfig, sh run, lookin at the ipv6 interfaces etc... Foo was satisfied and they moved on with another. phew!!!!!!!!

Finally im done with all that crappppp!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
IM so lalalalalala happppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
I can barely stop smiling like sum chesire cat

the world will turn WILD.
3:20 PM

Zombified out

Oh man this is so sucky!!!! I'm like totally stressed up. I can barely open mah eyes but i need to get mah ass to complete mah presentation slides and the AES. If not im done for tmr's presentation. Still i can hardly get mah full attention on them. Mind malfunctioning again ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Went home and wanted to get a head start in mah proj coz if i dunt, i know i wont be able to finish it. Jus as i was starting on the first few parts of my slides, my brain was switching off. Suddenly i didnt even know wat i was clicking, Everythin blanked out lol! Haii Haiii Haiii

So i decided to go and sleep for awhile then wake up ard 12 or sumthing, at least after sum slp, i wld be feelin much better. I woke up at 12.47 in the end, pass the time i wanted to wake up wic was supposed to be 12.

Workin on the slides and AES till 5.30. Man that was tiring, Actually i had a few more to do, but i needed the screenshots from the router that i was working on. So too bad, could onli do it in sch. Since its alreadi gona hit 6am in a few, im planning to take a bath n take a small nap after tt.

Goodness me both mum n dad are awake alreadi. Everyone waking up to go to work and school and im jus onli goin to slp lol! How cool is tt?

Alritey need to go bath then catch on a small nap. Would post how mah presentation went later in the day....

the world will turn WILD.
5:50 AM

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Supervisor brightened up mah day


Finally! Mah supervisor is more or less happy wif mah work. He indeed NOTICED that i had produced sumthing. All the time it was always, "Week wat alreadi, u still havent shown me anything. Like that how. You better do sumthing abt it" Man wen the dialogue changed to say that he knows i did sum work, it felt like heaven.

All i need to do now is edit things here n there. Followed by a few informations on the router information. He asked me to borrow the book tt he recommended.

Yippie ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya !!!!! Finally there's sumthing out there to brighten up mah day :D

the world will turn WILD.
12:00 PM

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

here are 9 letters in your name.
Those 9 letters total to 39
There are 4 vowels and 5 consonants in your name.

Your number is: 3

The characteristics of #3 are: Expression, verbalization, socialization, the arts, the joy of living.

The expression or destiny for #3:
An Expression of 3 produces a quest for destiny with words along a variety of lines that may include writing, speaking, singing, acting or teaching; our entertainers, writers, litigators, teachers, salesmen, and composers. You also have the destiny to sell yourself or sell just about any product that comes along. You are imaginative in your presentation, and you may have creative talents in the arts, although these are more likely to be latent. You are an optimistic person that seems ever enthusiastic about life and living. You are friendly, loving and social, and people like you because you are charming and such a good conversationalist. Your ability to communicate may often inspire others. It is your role in life to inspire and motivate; to raise the spirits of those around you.

The negative side of number 3 Expression is superficiality. You may tend to scatter your forces and simply be too easygoing. It is advisable for the negative 3 to avoid dwelling on trivial matters, especially gossip.

Your Soul Urge number is: 9

A Soul Urge number of 9 means:
With a 9 Soul Urge, you want to give to others, usually in a humanitarian or philanthropic manner. You are highly motivated to give friendship, affection and love. And you are generous in giving of your knowledge and experience. You have very sharing urges, and you are likely to have a great deal to share. Your concern for others makes you a very sympathetic and generous person with a sensitive and compassionate nature.

You are able to view life in very broad and intuitive terms. You often express high ideals and an inspirational approach to life. If you are able to fully realize the potential of your motivation, you will be a very self-sacrificing person who is able to give freely without being concerned about any return or reward.

As with all human beings, you are prone to sometimes express the negative attitudes inherent to your Soul Urges. You may become too sensitive and tend to express emotions strongly at times. There can be significant conflict between higher aims and personal ambitions. You may resent the idea of giving all of the time and, in fact, if there is too much 9 energy in your nature you may reject the idea. You may often be disappointed in the lack of perfection in yourself and others.

Your Inner Dream number is: 3

An Inner Dream number of 3 means:
You dream of artistic expression; writing, painting, music. You would seek to more freely express your inner feeling and obtain more enjoyment from life. You also dream of being more popular, likable, and appreciated.


the world will turn WILD.
5:49 PM

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Both got lost

It was past 7 but i Was too tired out to even wake up. Man!!! Body aches like crazy!!! I'd to practically drag my body outta bed. By the time i was ready, Karthik was as usual waiting for me. We took the train back to his place, took the garlands and left for the temple near his place, Darma Muniswaran. Took archanai and offered the garlands. Karthik wanted to eat in the temple itself, but there was no one giving parasatham.

Went back home, Karthik heated up the food, i was too dead tired to help him out haiii haiii.... Was jus watchin him werkin ard. It still brought a smile, watchin him prepare food :D He fed me as usual and then we went to the room to slack. I was jus slpin all the way. Before i know it, it was time for me to wake up for werk. I had to report to work
at 2pm, and it was past 1 alreadi.

Too tired to move my muscles actually, i got up and bath. Then we headed to the nearby shoe shop to grab my shoes. Managed to get a pair of decent shoes for $17. Took a taxi again for work, coz it was past 2 alreadi, No time to take a bus there. Rched Junction 8 at 2.20. Luckily this time, no idiots were ard, i quickly punch my card, signed in and went up.

The wagon was in a mess again, stupid people so kiasu no comments alreadi. Business continued as usual, people askin for new stocks wen there wasnt. Sum thinking tt im lyin or am plain lazy to not search for them the new stock. Bleahhh.... Dunt hv means dunt hv lor... rrrr.... There was one lady, who wanted to buy half cardigan, but jus to buy tt she took more then 30 mins. Reali one interestin customer. She was practically tryin on 3/4 of the clothes on display. Ok if it were different kinda blouse i wont hv minded, but sum of them were the same pattern, same type same everything, Even that she asked me to get for her 3
of the same for her to try on. I was holding on to more and more blouse then i cld handle.

Coz of her i wasnt able to attend to the other customers. Goodness!!!! Finally she settled for one of the pattern, even then it wasnt the end. She checked thru the stitches took out 4 others of the same kind and was comparing them. Before she bought the blouse she decided on, she tried one final time. God i shd hv video the whole thing. After she went, the aunty opposite mine cm over n tol me, "Whoa this wan chia lat, tried out so many, but in the end bought onli one. Aiyo so troublesome". I didnt know tt she was lookin all these while. I just laughed and attend to the other customers. THis is sumthing that i have to endure, its customers right anyway.

Went for break at abt 6.30pm. Karthik was waiting for me outside the department store. He had bought for me wif a bag of yummy assorted dark chocolates and a huge lollipop. And i mean reali huge, guess wld take me days before the lollipop wld be completely dissolved lol! We went to KFC, ate the new meal, cnt rem the name of it lol. As we were eating someone tapped Karthik on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me but is tt nice?", both Karthik and i were so shocked! lol I mean wat wld u do if out of no where summore suddenly taps u and ask abt wat ur eating lol. Then he replied, "Hmmm... nt bad." The lady smiled and said thank u
to us. I guess the lady wanted to try it out but didnt know if she cld trust it enuff to buy In my opinion, i didnt like it tt much. Nt my kinda thing. ANother thing was tt, the KFC lady was lookin in our direction and smiling at us, Or was it laughin, i duno wic is wic. I was lookin behind me to see if she was smiling at the person behind me, but she was lookin
at me. Weirdo sia!

My shoes were like killin me real bad. Since i had been standing and walkin ard since 2+. After our dinner, i went back to my werk. Once i got the hang of it, things were indeed better, the people ard me were also friendly. Eventhou i was the minority there, they were pretty friendly, smiling at me and giving casual remarks everynow n then.

At 9.50, i went down to knock off, as the door opened, i saw the red shirt guy AGAIN! This time he was goin in. I punched my card but the door was locked, so i cldnt leave. Luckily, one of the security guard popped in and guided me out of the store. Coz they had to close the department store, makin sure tt no customers cm in and also wen they finally close the gate no customers get stuck.

Wen the security guard guided me out, i called karthik to met me outside the shopping mall. In the end i almost got lost, coz i cldnt find my way out and all the shops were closing alreadi... How exciting was tt! Finally i found my way out and met Karthik. He also got lost, was in the other shoppin centre wakekeke..... Both of us got lost.

the world will turn WILD.
5:00 PM

Friday, May 04, 2007

1st day at werk - Subway

First day of werk, know nuts abt the job. Duno who to report to. Took a taxi to Junction 8 since i was running late and i hadnt bought my covered shoes yet. We reached there wif a few mins to spare, we looked out for shoes but nth seemed to fit in our budget. So i gave up on buyin shoes. Tol him we wld buy them tmr instead, wld manage sumhow today. We Went to search for the subway wagon, but nth was there, we onli found OSIM. We combed the whole shoppin centre. still cldnt find it. Not even the departmental store Seiyu was in sight. So i called Mala up. She instructed us the way, we cm back to square one but still no
subway wagon. In the end i called up the boss, Mr Sim, up. He instructed us to go inside Seiyu, wic had been changed to BGP now. Wonder wat tt stands for. I was to report to the cashier there, who would help me out.

I reported cashier there, saying tt i was the new subway promoter. One of the staff brought me down to the security room to punch my card and also to brief me. We had to use the cargo lift, wic wld led to the security room straight below. However the lift, was realy scary. It had a bad history of stallin suddenly, It goes dwn perfectly fine, but wld play hide and seek wen goin up the levels. If you hit on level 3, the door wld open, but close as immediately and go up to level 4. For ur information, the lift doesnt operate to level 4. OR at times it wld go all the way below level 1. How cool is tt! bleah....!!!! Freaky man this lift. Had to wait for nearly 10 mins for the freakin lift to arrive in "good" condition. Phew!

If tt was not enuff, there was another show awaitin for me. The moment the lift door opened to the security room, all eyes were on me, This particular Indian guy was checkin me out! He was wearing red shirt and black pants, wic appeared to be his uniform. Mala had ever told me about this red shirt guy, and it was nth good. SO there i was stuck, wif the staff sayin, "This is where u punch ur card". The security guard was an ass, he made the staff go out and teach me how to enter the room. Seems tt i shdnt enter the room thru the lift. Shd be from the other entrance twds the carpark. So kuku n blur me had to follow her out
and learn how to enter the room in a proper manner. Lame man!

I cm bk to the room n he was still here, blady hell this guy was still lookin looking. I couldnt concentrate on wat they were tellin me. Coz his vibes were... well nt so good So bloody uncomfy, plus, I also dunt like tt kinda made me even more tensed then i alreadi was. After all the formalities were done, i was finally allowed to leave the room. The staff showed me to mah station. GOSH!!!! It was in helluva mess, the clothes piled in the
pushcart was all messed ard. I had to fold them from the scratch.

I messaged Karthik to go home 1st. Go straight down to business, i folded the clothes in the wagon. Separating the T-Shirt by designs. Followed by the shorts and 3/4 pants on the opposite wagon. Was no easy business man. It was full of dust! I duno how many times i sneezed before i finally folded all the clothes there. Inbtw there were a few customers asked me a few qns abt the clothes, i tried my best to answer them. Alot of blunders also, like the T-shirt i was folding was free size, but i tol the lady there were sizes. What am i supposed to do, i jus got there. I barely got the time to check out the things there. Luckily the lady didnt notice it, anyway she wld nt hv been able to fit in tt T-shirt also oooppssssy hehehehe

After tt i looked at the stocks below, noted down wat was there and all. Went thru the clothes that were on display. They actually sold pretty good stuffs, but material wise, i doubt if its good. Still who cares, alots of ppl cm n buy them. WHY? Coz its affordable. In a jiff 4 hrs flew by. Soon it was time for us to go home. Went to the security room to punch out mah card. Luckily the red shirt guy wasnt there. I had to sign out in the book but i cldnt find my name, i tell u it was a big hoohaaa. Caused quite alot of attention. I tik the security guard gave me the wrg file to sign haiiiiiii. They hv file for the diff levels and all. I turned and saw the fellow was there.... grrrrr.....

I managed to sign out and left the room. Like finally, was so happy wen i saw Karthik. Gave him a big kiss, he was lookin at me in bewilderment, thinkin wat on goin on. Coz my kiss was diff, wakekeke... Mah sweethart had went to tekka and bought garlands to put for the gods when we go to the temple tmr. Had also bought food for us since we didnt had our dinner. By the time we rched mah place it was alrdy 11+. SO we didnt get to eat our dinner, instead tol him to save it for tmr's breakfast. He had missed his last train also, so no choice had to take a taxi back.

the world will turn WILD.
11:59 PM

Seductive - Midas Touch

the world will turn WILD.
3:02 PM

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Nowadays time jus seem to crawl by eva so slowly...... Cant wait for the clock to strike 6.00!!! lol! Stress stresss!!! nt doin anything also stresssss!!! doinkz
As usual Karthik met me after school, we talked talked abt the days happenings and walked twds the MRT station. Jus as we rched the station, he dragged me to twds the other side and hailed for a taxi. Tol the driver, "Uncle Serangoon North Ave 1". I jus looked at him blurly but laughing at the same time still hehehe....

In the taxi he tol me he wanted to cook for me, that's why headin to his hse. Had brought field ration, for me to try. Went to his hse, i was clearin his room, while he made dinner for us both. It was mutton curry & rice, 2 slices of pizza fr Tues, red bean soup, hot glass of milo, marble cake dipped wif honey. Whoa wat a dinner, i was so full and sleepy by the time we finished our dinner.

He went to the kitchen to keep the empty plate, by then i was feelin so slpy i was layin on the bed, it jus seemed so comfy hehe. Karthik cm to the room and was smackin me to wake lol! But i tol him dunt disturb me, wake me up wen its 8. We take a taxi back k. He was laughin at me.


I duno wat made him do this, but he got out 4 candles, switch off the lights, and lit the 4 candles. Placing them ard the room. It looked so nice, the flame was dancing about in the room. The orange glow was jus all so romantic. Wif our theme song playin repeatedly in the background. I lay mah head on his chest and took in everything. Everything seemed like a dream.....

The hall clock chimed warning us that it was alreadi 8pm. I didnt had the heart to leave the room, but i had to go hm, if not mummy wld lecture me till i bleed in the ear. Before we left the hse, Karthik brought mathapoo and a lighter down. We played mathapoo downstairs. Boy it was so fun! We were challenging eachother, circulating circulating the mathapoo. Wen u move the mathapoo ard v fast, u wld be able to see the rays of the flame. Its super cool!!! We kept laughin and playin. Very fun! So shd be singing, "Mathapoo suthi suthi adaporen" lol

Wen we rch hm, i asked karthik to cm to mah hse and say hello to amma. HE was shocked as to why i said tt, i also duno why, but i asked him to cm in. Mum talked to him, askin abt the course, then abt the future underdoings. She advised him on certain things that has to be done, what we shdnt do and things like that. Karthik took in everthing seiously, he loved talking to her, and she also liked talkin to him.

It was gettin very late, and karthik had to go. He was very tired out alreadi, If onli he cld, wld hv stayed over, but we were nt engaged yet. So at this time, its impossible. Took a taxi home....

The day's been one of mah best times

the world will turn WILD.
11:23 PM

Thrill ride - Lethal Weapons


Another dread day in school, jus after a one day holi (Labour Day), and man im feelin so lazy. We need more holidays!!! :P Panni Kavi is hvin a very nice time at hm right now. Paavi 3 days off!
Goin to watch spiderman 3 tdy summore! hmpf! NVm Nvm nalla enjoy pannu hehe...
The day is ticking by so slowly it feels like a century is ticking by!!!!

FInally school finished, Karthik cm to sch wif mah hot curry puffs hehe..
I was cravin for sumthing hot since it was so darn cold in the lab. It was not raining but was so colddddd...... We ate the curry puff as we walked outta campus. Duno wat happened to him tdy also, he kept mumbling and uttering to himself. Its abt the money tt he needs for his edu. Haiii haiii..... poor baby... Juz haf to hope we find a way to it. Wen the train stopped at Woodlands, he pushed me twds the exit. Telling me to alight. Boy was i puzzled..... I looked ard and saw the FUNFAIR!!! HEHE... So that's where he wanted to bring me. Sweet darlings of mine, Even if he doesnt hv enuff money, he wld always find a way out to gif me these kinda surprises :)

we went into the funfair, we looked ard at the rides first. Everything looked pretty scary to me. All flyin from different direction and high level speeds shesssshhhh.... I started freakin out!!! Im a person who wld freak out at all these kinda stuffs. Petrified is the word lol! But my dear darlings was determine tt i ride on one of the rides. So he gave me a three choices i forgot the name of the rides. One of the rides, it wld go abt 180 degrees at a high speed. The next wan looks like a hammer head, it wld go round n round 360 degrees. It's even more scarier then the 180 degrees ride. Jus lookin at the way it was spinning away made me nausea. The last wan was wat i was dragged onto. Its called lethal weapon....

I climbed on mah seat nervously. Both Karthik and i were the onli ones there. Since it was still early, we had the whole ride to ourselves. Within a few, the secure bar was secured down, which means the ride is gona start.... In 3 secs, the ride took off. My god! It was goin in such a speed, i cldnt take it. Freakin scary, i almost cried, I didnt dare open my eyes. Practically screamin like as if the world was coming to an end. I tik karthik got freaked out coz he tod i was gona cry alreadi. He was shouting against the pressure of air to calm me down. After i got hang of the ride, i started to relax aLIL'. Was tellin mah brain to hang on, this is not the end of the world lol!

When i finally relaxed, i was
able to open mah eyes, HELL!!! I was so high up, ok nt exactly v high, but still it was H.I.G.H i cld see the whole of the carnival and the whole of the nearby area from where i was. There were a few ppl lookin fr dwn at us. Pointing pointing and smiling at us. Karthik was sure enjoyin himself, he was laughin and shouting away lol! With all the ommp and Owwww... lol!

Half way thru the ride wen i was alreadi feelin muc calmer, he kissed me wen we were in mid air lol. For like the
2 rounds it made we were still kissing wakekekekeke.... Then he asked me, how cm now u keep quiet lol! :P Actually its also becoz i was tired from screaming alreadi hehe Boy that sure did drain me out. All that shouting wakekeke....


Finally the ride ended!!! I felt like puking alreadi. i realised i was sweating a little, Guess its coz of all the shouting "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........". What a ride man! Then we walked ard the carnival lookin at the other rides... The ferris wheel looked very nice and romantic, there was this ride wic karthik very much wanted to take. It's the most scariest ride compared to the others, at least in mah opinion. This ride wld go 360 degrees high up in the air. Pretty fast also,
and u can see ppl doin somersaults in mid air. Their whole seat would rotate as its circulating. Watchin it made mah stomach twist. When the ride ended, one of the guy's face had turned pale, but the color soon returned after sumtime. Karthik almost dragged me to ride on this!!!! GOD!!! Aaleividula saami.... I jus pled to him it was enuff

Karthik brought me to the pasar malam to buy for us dinner. I didnt feel like eating anything, for fear tt i wld be puking out. Coz i was alreadi feeling nauseating. He was nt hearin out on tt thou, bought fruit rojak. The uncle was reali takin his own sweet time making his sweet rojak rrrrrr Opposite the rojak stall, there were two arabian guys (one of them had v nice eyes), selling kebab. The way they were making the kebab, attracted karthik's attention and he wanted to try it.

We ate as we were on the train home, fancy having dinner rather eating rojak in the train hehe... It was nice thou, and karthik loved the kebab too, thou it was exp. That thing cost like 4 bucks n in less then 4 mins, we had both wolf it dwn. The rojak was nice too. Wit the sticky sauce tangy wif a splash of spicyness. Marvellous! PErfect-o hehe

Cm hm, mala was tellin me abt the job offer, seems tat the place tt she was workin in previously, her boss needed sumone who cn work on fri, sat n sun. So she asked me if i cn stand in. Whoa cool cool! A job cmin to me without me askin. Hope karthik is able to find sumthing too.

the world will turn WILD.
9:13 PM

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Pizza Party!!!!

Another holi!!!!!!!! Boy am i gratefully for holidays now, dreading this stupid fyp of mine. Moving along tdy's main plan wld be the pizza party in karthik's hse.
Original plan was to meet karthik in Boon Lay and then we wld go to temple near his place, but when i met up wif Karthik, he tol me tt Navin was waiting in PS. Navin wanted to chg over the hp ownership from karthik to his, hence Karthik's IC was needed. After which it was too late for us to go to the temple, was alreadi 11+.
So we decided to head home. Karthik made for me tuna melt sandwich, both of us ate it and chill out watching movies and listening to songs. Loosu Karthik manage to pop the cork of the wine bottle. Or wait scratch tt, he managed to finda corkscrew in one of his tool box. As he was screwin the cork, the corkscrew broke half way LOL! It broke IN the cork. Sumhow clever karthik pushed the cork in and there it popped right in lol! Both of us drank some of it. Loosu karthik drank 2 glasses , share share wif me, then after tt, duno wat cm over him, he jus kept pourin and drinkin them one shot. I tik he gulped dwn 2 glasses. Actually i didnt reali like the wine, it was bitter.
Before i know it, both Kav & Sha called to sayin they were right outside our door. Since the music was super loud, nth cld be heard lol! Stumbling, we went and open the door for them lol!
We all talked for sumtime, filling on stuffs, then looked thru the site to order pizza. After wat seemed like hrs, we finally decided on cheesy turkey and singapura special.
I gave the hp to karthik to ask him to call the canadianpizza operator. Loosu monkey was blabberin on the hp. He was gettin reali high then he started laughin away loudly on the phone and fell wif it summore. Kadavulei!!!! I quickly took over the hp and gave the information. Paavi Paavi!!! Epadiya kudikirathu......

Within 30mins,
our extra large, Cheesy turkey & Singapura special pizza arrived. Super hot, yummilicious hehe The movie "Muni" was blasting away, as we ate our hot and delicious pizza. Sha kept freakin out, coz thou the movie is comical it is a thriller. Thank god she didnt send her pizza flyin ard lol!
Not even one box was finished but we all got full. Stomach stuffed wif hot chessy chessy pizza. Sha had to rch hm by 6pm, so they had to leave early. Thou all the others werent there, it was nice hvin jus the few of us
After Kav & Sha left, Karthik and i got ready to leave for temple. I was alrdy freakin late, coz i was tol to be back home by 7. It was alrdy 6.30 and i was still in the temple. They were jsu startin the first prayers, since there was sum sumangali pooja goin on. Abit of commotion here and there. By the time i finish the prayers and left the temple it was past 7. We took the train, viven called me at 7.47 askin where i was. Since it was gettin v late. N tt karthik didnt wan to send me hm v late as well, he tol me to alight as the train rched admiralty. We hailed for a taxi, cost 15 bucks, rched hm at 8.21 to find mum nt at hm rrrrrrr.......


the world will turn WILD.
10:29 PM

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Cook out day at Karthik's

Oooppssss the popper popped! lol

Only Shane wld give this kinda pose. I know u've got a sexy crotch Shane, Dunt show it to the whole world

Nids showing her sexy back ;)

Errmmm errrmmm need i say anymore.... lol

Thiru the odd wan out wakeke

THat's us again...

THiru looks like sum naathamei, but still the threesome looks cute

I here by sentence ,u, cartoon network to jail!!!!!!

Ok he seriously looks retarded, sumbody help him!!!

TO wrap off the sweet day! A kiss from him to me :D

the world will turn WILD.
9:49 PM



Name: Malar
Age: 23
Horoscope: Gemini
Zodiac: Ox
Occupation: Programmes Officer



No One


Register for Degree (Still pending haiz)
Book for car theory (I'm still dreading it)


Watch Lea Salonga Cinderella ella ella
Chanel perfume
C&K bag and matching shoes!
Wishes Bank acc neva depletes
Get a degree by 26
Get married by 28


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Baby Mic
Wise Owl Kavi
Mummy Ducky Nidz
. Mummy'z Gal Maha



.April 2007.
.May 2007.
.June 2007.
.July 2007.
.June 2008.
.November 2008.
.December 2008.
.January 2009.
.February 2009.
.August 2009.


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