Tuesday, July 17, 2007

MySpace Comments
Friendster Comments at GlitterBell.com

the world will turn WILD.
4:54 PM

Glitter my bones hehehehe

MySpace Comments
Friendster Comments at GlitterBell.com

MySpace Comments
Friendster Comments at GlitterBell.com

MySpace Comments
Friendster Comments at GlitterBell.com

MySpace Comments
Friendster Comments at GlitterBell.com

MySpace Comments
Friendster Comments at GlitterBell.com

MySpace Comments
Friendster Comments at GlitterBell.com

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the world will turn WILD.
1:51 PM

Friday, July 13, 2007

A day at the office

the world will turn WILD.
5:38 PM

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Stocktake day

Yest Diana tol us that we wld be having stocktake today. We didnt know what the hell it meant. But the onli thing we did understood was that, she mentioned there was free food for ua all lol!

Coming to the office this morning. (Finally i manage to come to work on time lol) We were tol that, we wld be activated in this stocktake exercise. Meaning we wld all be teamed up, then the whole office wld do update on their stocks. All must be detailed, count the products, sort them out etc etc. Quite alot of work actually. This exercise as wat i heard happens once every few mths.

Wei Jie and Jim were paired up, Mhd and Anisa was paired up, i as usual was alone. hmphf! Wats worst was that, YT was also in my team. Whoa liao where eva i go also she is there la. Like sum kuruka vantha nanthi. Haiiiiiii.... Good thing is that, she in not my team leader, so i dunt hv to report to her, nor do i have to take orders from her. Lalalalala!

Connie, a nice lady, gave me sum data entry to do. And that was it, the onli job i had to do. At least till now la lol! Shakin me legs now.... I cnt be bothered to do my research also. Darn freakin bored. It jus seems like a friday to me..... Everyone at werk all so slacky and lookin bored....

Ive been talkin to Mhd all morning, we also didnt have anything much to do. Actually we do have, but nt up for it. Research research.... Bore to hell... Jim also didnt come to work today. He has throat infection. So no one to bug, luckily got Mhd to talk to. But tt bugger now ver noisy sia. The quiet mouse has unleashed its stuff. Yak Yak non-stop.

Whats more, every single time he mentions my name. Mala here mala there. Kadavulei!!!! Im gona knock the light outta u one day lol! Nevertheless a nice dude still. At least its coz of him my time passes by pretty fast :)

Time lunch, the food was sucky. It was BBQ chicken rice. Ok la at least the chicken was pretty good, the rice howeva was horrible. Plain rice, it was too dry for me, i cldnt eat it properly. Wei Jie wolfed dwn his food but was still hungry, he asked Karin wif he was able to go down and buy sumthing lol. They were shocked that he wasnt full still, but allowed him to go and grab sumthing. He came back wif steamy hot pau and coke for anisa, and i was still slowly chewing my food lol! He looked at me and shook his head smiling away. No comments...


the world will turn WILD.
3:31 PM


Another interesting picture i come across

Staring out of the world with tired eyes
tears fall like raindrop
on my window pain

heaviness in my hart
holding me down

familiar pain
my friend
once more


the world will turn WILD.
2:50 PM

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Baby can i get this? Pls oh pretty pls *blink *blink

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
Whoa how cool is that, i need to gif this to a few, "Get a life asshole!"

Ahhh hahahahahahaha again again, this is so cool lor!


the world will turn WILD.
9:54 PM

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I love me job! ;)

Right now eva since YT has gotten off my back. Things has been betta now. No more breathing down me neck, no complains, nothing to pressurized me and cloud my mood. Yippie....!

Edson is so much fun to work wif, his such a joker in the first place. If his nt in the office, the office wld jus seem so upcasted. A bubbly charactered dude. An asset to the company i shd say. He has assigned me to do research onli, thou its like lame, boring, like shit etc etc, i tik its like a hundred times beta then havin to werkin wif my previous incharge, who drained the hell outta me.

Plus now im much more closer to Mhd, who was a quiet mouse initally. Now suddenly his the most noisest lol. Still its entertainin to have that clown ard. Half the time, we wld jus laugh abt, talk and pass our time away. Before we know it, its time to pack up and go home hehe...



the world will turn WILD.
3:16 PM

Interesting pictures

These are sum of the interesting pictures i came across as i was browsing thru. Tod i wld share it in my blog...















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the world will turn WILD.
1:39 PM

Monday, July 09, 2007

Felt pretty good wen i woke up this morning. Felt in a mood to doll myself up, wore my fav turtle neck blouse and skirt. Took time to apply my make-up with experted hands... cheyy... kidding hehe. Ya well after i doll myself up, i realised sumthing.... My face was chgin yet again, God! lol! Wen i screamed to Mala, all she cld do was to shake her head laugh at me, then continue applyin her own make-up.... grrrr....

Before i left the hse, i took Mala's hp and took a few shots of myself. Later have to upload them hehe... I tod i left my hse on time. Blady hell, the bus was goin at its tortoise speed, every passing vechicle why even the orukaran on his bike seems to be able to overtake this slow potato coach! As a result of it i was late for werk, 3 mins late, 2nd time in the month. Nevermind at least i got to see the cute indian dude. Keep raising his eyebrows eh lol!

Coming to werk now... haii haii a disaster! They were shiftin us ard, Hanisa and Jim got shifted away. Jim my bestie got shifted far across from where im sitting, hanisa got shifted to the row opposite mine. We were all scattered ard. A new guy took Hanisa's place. Sumone full-time chinese dude. All disturbed me wif tt dude sia. Like as if im gona fall head over heels wif this guy. Nothing is gona blossom u idiots! rrrrr lol!

Gossip abt the new guy>>>>>
Malar: He seems v goody good shoes

Wei Jie: His too sissy for my taste
Mhd: Eh nt bad, his pretty handsome, How malar?
Jim: (One look at him, laugh away)
Hanisa: No comments

He seems pretty hardworking thou, they gave him the company's catalog and his busy making notes. Scribbling this and that. I guess his under Sales.... Anyway bottom line is i hate the new sitting arrangement. My bestie Jim is not gona be ard here wif me! *Boo Hoo I heard one of the reason why they shifted us ard was also coz, we were found talkin too muc. Huh? like wat the f***, i tik its jus one of those lame excuse given to us. We r jus attachment students anyway. Cnt complain much also haiiiii.... Im reali counting down to the final 6 weeks now...

P.S. Angel looked reali horrible wif the hair tied up in two pig tails ewwwwwwwww *puke *puke


the world will turn WILD.
10:34 AM

Friday, July 06, 2007

Pizza day

Today is Pizza day! Yippie ya ya! All of us had planned the day before to order pizza, so we purposely didnt eat breakfast lol! At abt 11 we decide on the pizza that we wanted to order in Pizza Hut, it was the party set meal. Comprising of 2 large pizza, 2 garlic bread, 1.5l Pepsi bottle. Choice of pizza was BBQ chicken and Aloha. All was decided but no one wanted to call, we kept passing the paper ard sayin,"U call, no u call, u call la!" lol! Funny people man. Finally Mhd did the honour of callin them up.

At 12.15pm. We got a call thru our intercomm phone, the receptionist was calling for Mhd. Seems that the delivery man instead of waiting outside the company as wat we instrusted him to do, he had entered the company. The receptionist was screwin Mhd askin why he didnt inform her tt we ordered pizza... duh! lol

The guy came up to level 4 sia... We paid the delivery man, the smell of pizza was jus so overwhelmin, it was diffusing the whole office wif its mouth watering smell. Freshly baked pizza anyone hehehehe

12.30 all of us ran to the pantry. Or so called pantry, this company didnt even have a proper pantry! haiii haiiii.... So saddening! We took our water watering pizza to the stairway alley since we didnt nt hv a proper place to eat them. Cant eat in the office or we wld hv the directors breathing down our neck. Coffeeshop no class, pantry out of the question. So we were left wif onli one resolution, the stairway. We created our own tables wif broken cupboards we found, good thing there were chairs to sit. And the feast began, we divided the pizza equally, all of us wolf it down hungrily.

After lunch, i started to become very sick. Earlier on wen i had came to the office i was sneezing and sneezing my nose off. So Jim, gave me a flu tablet. The sneezing stopped for awhile at least. But after lunch my whole face started to feel hot, esp near my left eye. I knew sumthing was wrg alreadi, i took out my compact powder and looked at my eye. God damn it! The whole eye was startin to swell beyond recognisation. It was the drug in that flu tablet. Guess it was pretty strong for me. I almost cried, coz it was hurting so badly, and i was in the office! How to face people like tt. I wanted to wear an eye patch so badly.

Wats worse was tt, from the left eyes it went on to attack my right eye. God! Jim was getting v worried, he took my water bottle, filled it up wif warm water and instructed me to finish the whole bottle. Got a few smacks here n there wen i absent-mindly touched my eyes. If that was not enuff stupid Vic was pissing me off in MSN. Blady hell! U irritated, make me irritated also. Panni!

After work i quickly rushed home, Mum saw my eyes and got a shock. She was preachin me why i took that medicine. When all along i shd hv known it wld give me this side effects. Shd i hv knwn, wld i wana take it in the first place? Its like sayin, i wanted a swollen eye, beyond recognisation. Oh plsssssss.........


the world will turn WILD.
11:06 PM

Thursday, July 05, 2007



Hilary Duff

Nobody believes me when I tell them that you're out of your mind!
Nobody believes me when I tell them that there's so much you hide
You treat me like a queen when we go out,
wanna show everyone what our love's about
All wrapped up in me whenever there is a crowd
But when no ones around

Theres no kindness in your eyes
The way you look at me, it's just not right
I can tell whats going on this time
Theres a stranger in my life
You're not the person that I once knew
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do
Then they would see a stranger too

Did I ever do anything that was this cruel to you?
Did I ever make you wonder who was standing in the room?
You made yourself look perfect in everyway
So when this goes down, I'm the one that will be blamed
Your plan is working so you can just walk away
Baby your secret's safe

Theres no kindness in your eyes
The way you look at me, it's just not right
I can tell whats going on this time

Theres a stranger in my life
You're not the person that I once knew
Are you scared to let 'em know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do
Then they would see a stranger too

Such a long way back, from this place we are at
When I think of all the time I've wasted, I could cry

Theres no kindness in your eyes
The way you look at me, it's just not right
I can tell whats going on this time
Theres a stranger in my life
You're not the person that I once knew
Are you scared to let 'em know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do
Then they would see a stranger too

Theres no kindness in your eyes
The way you look at me, it's just not right
I can tell whats going on this time
Theres a stranger in my life
You're not the person that i once knew
Are you scared to let 'em know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do
Then they would see a stranger too

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the world will turn WILD.
3:46 PM



Name: Malar
Age: 23
Horoscope: Gemini
Zodiac: Ox
Occupation: Programmes Officer



No One


Register for Degree (Still pending haiz)
Book for car theory (I'm still dreading it)


Watch Lea Salonga Cinderella ella ella
Chanel perfume
C&K bag and matching shoes!
Wishes Bank acc neva depletes
Get a degree by 26
Get married by 28


free counter


Baby Mic
Wise Owl Kavi
Mummy Ducky Nidz
. Mummy'z Gal Maha



.April 2007.
.May 2007.
.June 2007.
.July 2007.
.June 2008.
.November 2008.
.December 2008.
.January 2009.
.February 2009.
.August 2009.


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